Dry Eye Clinic
Do you suffer from itchy, sandy and gritty eyes? Are your eyes watery and red? Are your eyelids tender?
If you recognise these symptoms, you could have dry eye. There are many causes of dry eye and in the dry eye clinic we will carefully consider your own symptoms and undertake a specialist examination of your tears. We will recommend the latest treatments to alleviate those symptoms and ensure that you leave knowing exactly how to treat your particular condition with a bespoke care plan. We will then invite you to return for follow-up appointments to fine tune your treatment over a period of up to 3 months.
The Dry Eye Clinic also offers management of common eyelid problems like Blepharitis, Dermadex and eyelid cysts (Chalazion or Meibomian).
A special in-practice lid cleansing treatment will leave your eye lids feeling wonderfully clean.
Dry Eye consultation fee is €55